Hello No One,
It's been a while since I've posted, but I hope to start posting regularly now since I've started going out more and more.
I used to go out with my wing The Machine aka Sex Machine aka Foreplay aka... well, I'm sure there are a few more aliases I'm leaving out. But... lately I've been going out by myself doing almost exclusively Day Game... I ordered Sinn's Day Game product and watched it way too many times before I actually got up the balls to start going out again.
Let me recount my experiences to date... I know this is for my own benefit since no one at all reads this blog, but its cathartic... so suck it bitches :)
The Game - It will come as no surprise that I found out about this community by reading "The Game." I actually auditioned for the VH1 series "The Pick Up Artist," before its first season ever premiered... I did not make it, but when it came out, I watched it and they promoted the book so much that modern advertising got the better of me and before you know it I was poking around on the internet, and spending my hard-earned money on an MM Boot Camp.
My Boot Camp - Savoy taught my boot camp. I would later be told by an unnamed ex-MM instructor (I protect my sources, but take it with a grain of salt) that there were more requests for refunds from that boot camp than any boot camp previous. That was actually the first bootcamp that Braddock had been invited to assist with -- I thought he was great at the time, and I'm he's made a name for himself now.
In the trenches - I went out a lot with The Machine when I first came off bootcamp, and I did okay, but just okay... mostly bars and clubs around Santa Monica, CA and Hollywood, CA. I read mostly El Topo writings, but mixed in more and more of Captain Jacks stuff and some of Sinn's stuff. Things stagnated for quite a while. I saw no improvement and had random success. I was unable to find a system in my success or failures.
Dante Valentine - I lost touch with The Machine for a while and one day he called me out of the blue and told me he had been in the thick of it lately, and was now following a guy name Dante, and told me I should take a boot camp with him. So, once again... my hard earned money went to a so called Pick Up Artist. I'm sure many of you have heard of Dante, and I'm sure most of it has not been good. I'm not going to spend my time here trashing him, although it should be said... he has no skills that I saw or that he can pass on. He's a nice guy, so please don't leave any comments trashing him, if you want to defend him feel free. What I took from my time with him was approach approach approach! He would never let me sit still or people watch... he would consistently push me into sets, and more often then not he would blow those sets for me when he dropped in.
AAA -- Approach, Approach, Approach is really the only good advice I've gotten from anyone in the community. And its not really advice... its common sense. If you want to meet women, you have to approach them. Moreover, I don't think you have any ability to actually use the advice anyone gives you when you begin this journey. You really have to just get over the nervousness of talking to someone in an environment and with intentions that you're not comfortable with before you can ever employ ideas like, the Attract, Comfort, Seduce Model or employ frames or Qualify her without Over Qualifying yourself. etc.
After Dante - Rejoined the Irony + The Machine team for a bit and went out sporadically. I did better than before, but still not great. Still, I could not find a system that was consistent as to when I was doing well or when I was doing poorly. Soon we started going out less and less till no more. I got back together with my ex-girlfriend and thank God I didn't marry her. Soon we broke up, and it felt like I was back to square 1... just version 2.1 of square 1.
Present day - I called The Machine and we went out a couple of times... Went back to Online dating for a bit (and thank goodness for online dating sometimes... I'm sure it's not a respectable way to meet women, but if it weren't for that, I would have had years go by without getting laid). Then I started getting the itch again, so I started reading a lot of Sinn's stuff, and it really resonated with me. So, I shelled out cash again, and bought his daygame product and went out to the local college campuses around me.
Day Game - At first, and what seemed like forever, I just people watched. Eventually, I approached a girl and choded out by asking for the time and walking away. Then I approached another and another. I had all this knowledge bumping around in my head, but it absolutely would not come out of my mouth, so I had to result to just talking about whatever I could and nervously fumbling through conversations. I didn't ask for a phone number for at least a dozen girls, I didn't suggest an instant date for at least a dozen more. Now... finally... after probably 2 1/2 years of this stuff, I can (not quite) confidently go up to a girl on a college campus, stop her, and talk with her. And, I'd say its a 50/50 shot on whether I get an instant date or a solid phone number (meaning she actually picks up the phone and remembers me).
Damn this is a long post.
I will definitely write Field Reports, but I'm not in the business of writing Lay Reports for conscience reasons and practical ones. #1. I'm still so happy about getting laid that pretty much the evening and especially the hours before it happens are a mish-mash of who knows what, so I end up trying to connect the dots of what I did to make it happen when what probably happened was: we were both feeling it, and we boned. #2. I rarely have sex on the first date (not necessarily by my choice)... it usually happens on the 3rd date... probably because this is when I'm most comfortable with it happening... regardless, I don't consider sex on the 3rd date an accomplishment, so no need to brag about it in an LR. #3. I feel manipulative enough about learning how to sleep with girls from the internet, so I will not make myself feel any worse about it by posting the details of the sexin'. I will definitely include in the FR whether or not interaction ultimately led to sex or not. And, if I did anything cool that stands out in memory, I'm sure my arrogance will get the better of me, and y'all will hear about it.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
I had to Move my blog
A lady found this and got a little pissed... and she threatened to tell the closest thing to a girlfriend that I have... so, welcome to our new location!
Naked Ladies Need Drinks
What Up Bitches... It's Irony again,
The Machine and I went out last night for a fruitless walk up & down Main Street before we settled on going to the Strip Club. I kind of pressured the Machine into it because I've been wanting to check this Club out by my house for a while, but didn't want to go alone or with my other, more judgmental friends. So, even though, I could tell He wasn't really into it, he humored me and we were off.
We walked in and coughed up $22 for an entrance and non-alky drink cards fee. Then went in to a room of half-naked women sitting around texting their friends. We were the first patrons to enter the club, and the girls were bored to tears. The Machine and I weren't spending money that night, so it was actually a pretty horrible situation for us because we were swarmed by half-naked ladies who were interested in one thing... drinks. For some reason the club (which I'm sure is bullshit that these little ladies made up) have drink quotas that they have to meet. They have to get customers to buy them at least 6 $10 drinks a night or the money comes out of their pockets, which was weird because none of those girls had pockets).
I was enjoying myself because I don't mind being hustled. I really don't have a conscience, so it doesn't bother me that I'm just taking up space, and the girls aren't making any money off me. The Machine on the other hand was getting crazy hustled. My girls weren't working me as hard as they were working him. And, I could tell he wasn't really having it. But, he was a trooper and was willing to stay as long as I wanted.
In this club, the girls are supposed to get fully nude, but only a couple of girls did get fully nude, and in fact, some girls didn't take anything off at all. So, I was willing to stay until I saw a couple of girls get totally naked because I found them quite attractive.
It ended up that only one girl was actually genuine with me and I appreciated it, so I tipped her well... The Machine told me that I shouldn't have tipped her; I should have gotten a lap dance from her... I'm still kicking myself that I didn't. But, that strip club's not going anywhere. So, I still have my chance.
We left and called it a night... One day we'll start going out and sarging again... I promise.
Casual Encounters
Hello Gang,
So, the other night I decided to post an ad on Craigslist's Casual Encounters section. The ad was simple; I stated that I had a girlfriend and requested someone who was interested in a casual sexual relationship.
The first night nothing except an obvious spammer who wanted me to sign up for a chat room/dating service. But, the next night a girl answered the ad addressing specific details in my ad. So, I proceeded with trepidation. I wrote her back prodding for details to see if she was indeed real and if she was real was she really a girl, and if she was a girl what did she look like an so on... She would not send me a photo, but she said she would honestly describe herself. I said I would do the same. (my thoughts here were: she could easily send me a misleading photo, so what's the difference). She seemed like she wanted to meet so, I asked for her number and she replied with it.
The whole transaction took less than 2 days before I got her on the phone. Way less time than Match.com, by the way. I just got off the phone with her. She sounded older, so after she described herself as 5'5", brown hair, blue eyes, and athletic; I asked her age. She said she was older than me and in her 40s... Then she said I can guess when I meet her. She assured me she looks younger. I wasn't bothered by this. I was just happy she sounded female up to this point.
If you haven't guessed by now, I'm quite skeptical about his whole thing; especially since it seems to be working so far. Plus, I literally put a free ad out for free guiltless, discreet sex; so beggars can't be choosers -- hear what I'm sayin'?
Anyway, we have plans for tomorrow night. I hope I have the balls to just bring her back to my place and have sex with her if I find her attractive enough, but that remains to be seen. Regardless... I'm very excited. And, maybe I'll try this again if this one works out.
Moles, Pirates, and Strip Clubs OH MY! My Texas Odyssey
I'm home for the holidays and I'm going out of my mind with anciness (I'm sure that's not a word). I've tried to get together with El Topo every time the last few times I've been home, but to no avail. I call him up and he says come on up to Dallas and we'll have some food and catch up. I'm about 2 hours sout of Dallas, so I get in the car and head north. About an hour into the drive I get a text from ET saying that he's going to be runnig about 1 1/2 hours late, but assures me he'll make it.
I continue... a bit worried that I'm making the trip for nothing, but I stay the course. Luckily, I have a lot of friends from college and otherwise that have settled in Dallas, so I send out a mass text and I get ahold of one of my great friends from LA who has recently relocated to Dallas. He's actually going out with his family, but I head to his place and hang out for a little bit... It was great to see him.
El Topo texts again and says he'll be even later, so I'm left wandering around Dallas on my own. I visit my favorite restaurant and get some kick ass Tex-Mex. I so miss Tex-Mex. I hit a Barnes & Noble and look at some nudey Photography books. It closes early, so I hit a Borders to waste the rest of my time. About the time I think "Fuck you guys I'm going home!," Ole' El Topo calls up and says he's on his way and we meet up a few minutes later at some little Dive Bar in east Dallas. We're hanging out outside waiting on ET's friend's band to hit the stage when the phone ET's phone rings... he answers with "we'll be right there." Captain Jack was in Arlington (an hour east) at one of the duo's favorite bars. I had never met Captain Jack, so I was excited and when El Topo extended the invitation, I jumped at it, but held my cool.
We get to a big Texas bar where there's a terrible rockabilly type hodge-podge cover band and ample parking (something that I've come to long for in LA). El Topo leads the way... I had forgotten what a little ball of energy the guy is. He finds CJ and they catch up. I could tell they hadn't seen each other for a while. I hung back and let them re-aquaint. Soon ET opened a couple of girls by the bar. CJ and I went and got a drink and ET came up soon and started ragging on CJ for not joining him in set. It was actually great to hang out with the two because they seemed to be real friends. I've been around a few instructor-types here and there, and there always seems to be a competitive relationship between them. ET and CJ had nothing to prove to each other.
One thing I was surprised by was how low-key Captain Jack was. I had to really pay attention to him to hear him in the club. He didn't speak loudly. I couldn't always hear what he was saying, but I found myself making an effort listen more intently rather than asking to him to repeat himself. I also noticed El Topo leaning into him in order to hear him as well. I'm sure the reputation that preceded the man affected my willingness to lean in and listen more intently to the information pouring from him, but I remember several times asking El Topo to to repeat himself throughout the night, and I have tons of respect for him. Could it be that CJ just has something about him where he can break the rule of speaking loudly... I don't know. I really didn't see him in set that night, which was fine because I wanted to be clear that I wasn't there to game.
He did have a couple of targets picked out that he was gonna hit during the magic hour. He was waiting till after 12:45 before he started doing anything. I can see why people think he's so great at what he does... he doesn't seem to put forth as much effort to get the same results as many others claim to get. He doesn't open sets until it gets late enough to actually take advantage of situations that will lead to closing the girl. He doesn't seem to get caught up in working the club or yelling over others, or playing attraction game. He just waits around, and when he finds something he likes, he goes and gets it (apparently with efficiency).
El Topo had been trying to get us to leave all night so that he could show CJ some stripper game that he had been working on. Plus, he didn't want to stay around the bar for very long since he was trying to hook up with a waitress there. Finally its announced that we are leaving the bar and going to a strip club. So, we load into CJ's car about 12:30 and drive another 45 minutes to a strip club on the west side of Ft. Worth. It was my first time in a strip club, and I gotta say... the girls were way hotter than I thought they would be, there were tons of female patrons (girls' night out, girlfriends, wives, etc). El Topo talked about his methods and CJ asked questions and we all had a grand ole time. El Topo number closed the tallest stripper I've ever seen, and the place closed and we headed home.
On the ride home we listened to CJ shower wisdom upon us. Making statements such as: A girl doesn't have to like you as a person to have sex with you and that everyone in social situations, especially clubs/bars, are scared to death of looking foolish, so much that they are socially paralyzed when it comes to stepping outside of their comfort zone to reach out to others, and that if you present yourself as ultimately non-judgemental and accepting of others, you'll be met with visible relaxation and smiles, smiles, smiles. I asked questions and he preached it sister.
Meanwhile, ET was really trying to pull this waitress that he was hitting on at the previous bar, and he was asking for CJ's help on text game. ET and CJ have ultimately different ways of gaming especially via the phone. ET usually goes for the reaction... he feels that good or bad he can use it toward a successful end. CJ doesn't go for a reaction; he made the statement that any halfway decent looking girl has so many guys who are trying to fuck them that you shouldn't provide uneeded challenges. So CJ takes the reigns on ET's blackberry and starts the texting fun. It's well after 3am at that time, and even though I didn't want to, I had a 3 hour drive in front of me and a Xmas morning with the family the next, so I left.
I get home a couple of hours before I have to put on a smile for my 20 member extended family. Soon the pops up a text message from ET... He pulled the waitress back to CJ's house and closed her.
Take what you will from my Odyssey... I had a great time and I look forward to the next time.
I continue... a bit worried that I'm making the trip for nothing, but I stay the course. Luckily, I have a lot of friends from college and otherwise that have settled in Dallas, so I send out a mass text and I get ahold of one of my great friends from LA who has recently relocated to Dallas. He's actually going out with his family, but I head to his place and hang out for a little bit... It was great to see him.
El Topo texts again and says he'll be even later, so I'm left wandering around Dallas on my own. I visit my favorite restaurant and get some kick ass Tex-Mex. I so miss Tex-Mex. I hit a Barnes & Noble and look at some nudey Photography books. It closes early, so I hit a Borders to waste the rest of my time. About the time I think "Fuck you guys I'm going home!," Ole' El Topo calls up and says he's on his way and we meet up a few minutes later at some little Dive Bar in east Dallas. We're hanging out outside waiting on ET's friend's band to hit the stage when the phone ET's phone rings... he answers with "we'll be right there." Captain Jack was in Arlington (an hour east) at one of the duo's favorite bars. I had never met Captain Jack, so I was excited and when El Topo extended the invitation, I jumped at it, but held my cool.
We get to a big Texas bar where there's a terrible rockabilly type hodge-podge cover band and ample parking (something that I've come to long for in LA). El Topo leads the way... I had forgotten what a little ball of energy the guy is. He finds CJ and they catch up. I could tell they hadn't seen each other for a while. I hung back and let them re-aquaint. Soon ET opened a couple of girls by the bar. CJ and I went and got a drink and ET came up soon and started ragging on CJ for not joining him in set. It was actually great to hang out with the two because they seemed to be real friends. I've been around a few instructor-types here and there, and there always seems to be a competitive relationship between them. ET and CJ had nothing to prove to each other.
One thing I was surprised by was how low-key Captain Jack was. I had to really pay attention to him to hear him in the club. He didn't speak loudly. I couldn't always hear what he was saying, but I found myself making an effort listen more intently rather than asking to him to repeat himself. I also noticed El Topo leaning into him in order to hear him as well. I'm sure the reputation that preceded the man affected my willingness to lean in and listen more intently to the information pouring from him, but I remember several times asking El Topo to to repeat himself throughout the night, and I have tons of respect for him. Could it be that CJ just has something about him where he can break the rule of speaking loudly... I don't know. I really didn't see him in set that night, which was fine because I wanted to be clear that I wasn't there to game.
He did have a couple of targets picked out that he was gonna hit during the magic hour. He was waiting till after 12:45 before he started doing anything. I can see why people think he's so great at what he does... he doesn't seem to put forth as much effort to get the same results as many others claim to get. He doesn't open sets until it gets late enough to actually take advantage of situations that will lead to closing the girl. He doesn't seem to get caught up in working the club or yelling over others, or playing attraction game. He just waits around, and when he finds something he likes, he goes and gets it (apparently with efficiency).
El Topo had been trying to get us to leave all night so that he could show CJ some stripper game that he had been working on. Plus, he didn't want to stay around the bar for very long since he was trying to hook up with a waitress there. Finally its announced that we are leaving the bar and going to a strip club. So, we load into CJ's car about 12:30 and drive another 45 minutes to a strip club on the west side of Ft. Worth. It was my first time in a strip club, and I gotta say... the girls were way hotter than I thought they would be, there were tons of female patrons (girls' night out, girlfriends, wives, etc). El Topo talked about his methods and CJ asked questions and we all had a grand ole time. El Topo number closed the tallest stripper I've ever seen, and the place closed and we headed home.
On the ride home we listened to CJ shower wisdom upon us. Making statements such as: A girl doesn't have to like you as a person to have sex with you and that everyone in social situations, especially clubs/bars, are scared to death of looking foolish, so much that they are socially paralyzed when it comes to stepping outside of their comfort zone to reach out to others, and that if you present yourself as ultimately non-judgemental and accepting of others, you'll be met with visible relaxation and smiles, smiles, smiles. I asked questions and he preached it sister.
Meanwhile, ET was really trying to pull this waitress that he was hitting on at the previous bar, and he was asking for CJ's help on text game. ET and CJ have ultimately different ways of gaming especially via the phone. ET usually goes for the reaction... he feels that good or bad he can use it toward a successful end. CJ doesn't go for a reaction; he made the statement that any halfway decent looking girl has so many guys who are trying to fuck them that you shouldn't provide uneeded challenges. So CJ takes the reigns on ET's blackberry and starts the texting fun. It's well after 3am at that time, and even though I didn't want to, I had a 3 hour drive in front of me and a Xmas morning with the family the next, so I left.
I get home a couple of hours before I have to put on a smile for my 20 member extended family. Soon the pops up a text message from ET... He pulled the waitress back to CJ's house and closed her.
Take what you will from my Odyssey... I had a great time and I look forward to the next time.
FR:Cahuenga... Blvd. or Ave. or just dead?
So... The Machine and I rolled out to Cahuenga tonight, but we were denied at every turn... I think because it was a combination of the Holidays and being a weeknight, we encountered some of the deadest bars I've ever seen in Hollywood.
I opened 3 times and probably stayed in set for all of 10 minutes.
Set 1: I followed the rule of opening the first set I saw... this time it was a mixed 2 set. They were nice, just fraternizing for business sake. I accused the girl of being scared of the guy and told her she needed to open up her body language and be more receptive to his advances... this usually works like a charm to get the girl creeped out about the other guy. Then I boxed him out for a bit and finally she told me that the guy was engaged, so I told him to tell us his love story. I didn't physically escalate at all on the girl -- which is a sticking point of mine. Finally, I ejected because I had to piss.
Set 2: I pulled the goofy wave on a seated 2 set and said "Hey"... She looked at me and said "do I know you?" I said something witty that I don't remember, but then a pizza interupted our melee. Which revealed another sticking point -- I don't plow through, I eject when things get uncomfortable or a get an interrupt. This is apparent in my next set...
Set 3: I open a seated 2 set. The Blonde was interested, but her friend was uber-disinterested. So, I tried to engage her a bit, but she wasn't biting. I pretty quickly ejected and went back to doing nothing...
All in all, this wasn't a successful night... I didn't work on anything, but I guess I found a couple fo new sticking points.
I opened 3 times and probably stayed in set for all of 10 minutes.
Set 1: I followed the rule of opening the first set I saw... this time it was a mixed 2 set. They were nice, just fraternizing for business sake. I accused the girl of being scared of the guy and told her she needed to open up her body language and be more receptive to his advances... this usually works like a charm to get the girl creeped out about the other guy. Then I boxed him out for a bit and finally she told me that the guy was engaged, so I told him to tell us his love story. I didn't physically escalate at all on the girl -- which is a sticking point of mine. Finally, I ejected because I had to piss.
Set 2: I pulled the goofy wave on a seated 2 set and said "Hey"... She looked at me and said "do I know you?" I said something witty that I don't remember, but then a pizza interupted our melee. Which revealed another sticking point -- I don't plow through, I eject when things get uncomfortable or a get an interrupt. This is apparent in my next set...
Set 3: I open a seated 2 set. The Blonde was interested, but her friend was uber-disinterested. So, I tried to engage her a bit, but she wasn't biting. I pretty quickly ejected and went back to doing nothing...
All in all, this wasn't a successful night... I didn't work on anything, but I guess I found a couple fo new sticking points.
Like A Virgin
The Machine and I went out again for what seemed like the first time in forever and a day tonight. We had a long discussion before we headed out. Mainly, The Machine filled me in on what he had learned from Natural Tim concerning the mindset we should have before we even approach a woman and some things we would be working on tonight.
Mainly, we've decided to go back to square one and work on the basics of the game. Tonight was the approach, focusing mainly on Opening and using good voice Tonality... It was a pretty shitty turnout at most of the Bars, but we made the best of it.
I try to stick as closely as possible to Natural Tim's and Sinn's rule of opening the first set I see when I enter the bar, and tonight was no exception. I opened a 2 set with this cute little blonde who had a pretty smile, HBUSC, and her friend who The Machine had to ultimately entertain while I reaped the benefits of opening. The set opened right up with my, now patented, Lone Star Opener and we entered into fluff talk. I stayed in fluff talk most of the interaction (which is a sticking point of mine), but managed to do some okay kino and deflect the advances of a couple of drunkards on my chickie. The Machine was a Champ; he kept her friend occupied the entire time, even though she desperately wanted to wreck her HBUSC's good time. Thanks Machine.
Couple of Items to note:
I think I might have stumbled on to a new routine that plays up my carpentry abilities which led me to mentioning that I can't help but notice wood textures and then to an interesting coffee table that I built out of an old window, and how I would amuse myself because of a missing piece of glass, and finally to where my cute little puppy dog would stick his head up through the peins, which would let me ultimately show my cute little puppy dog photo on my nifty iPhone.
I did not work on much tonality, which means the night was not the biggest success. After being in set for probably 45 minutes where I teased, fluff talked, qualified, and may have dipped into comfort, I number closed, and The Machine and I bounced to another much deader bar.
On the way I opened a moving set by litterally running up behind a big group of girls all hoed up for what looked like a B-day Bash, and asked her about her head band. This one could easily be called a blowout because she was having none of it and looked annoyed the entire time I talked at her... not to her at her. I don't think she said a word that didn't begin and end with "no." But, there was no kick to the groin or calling of police, so no harm done.
We roamed around inside the next Bar for a bit, then I opened a 2 set of blondes (you're probably noticing a blonde trend). HBQueen1 & HBQueenB (that wasn't an error.) I didn't get much past the opener and some teasing before I ejected. I thought I was pretty much told to leave, but The Machine thought I should have stayed and plowed through a bit. I saw that one of the girls had a guy with her or at least an orbiter, but to tell you the truth, I really don't know why I ejected.
The Machine opened a moving set while cruising the street that he didn't fully caveman, but afterward expressed that he should have. I stood awkwardly looking at her friend while The Machine high fived hugged and spanked some ass... Looking back, I have no idea what happened there, but I definitely dropped the ball on that one.
We bounced to another bar down the street and again there was nothing going on, but The Machine opened a pretty little asian girl at the corner of the bar; I'm sure he will blog about that one because I'm a gentleman and I don't eavesdrop on other people's sets.
All in all, it was just good to get back out there. The Machine and I are really trying to make a committed go at it this time, so wish us diligence, insight, and humility for the journey ahead of us.
It's Been a While
So, today in the shower, I started thinking...
When I was in Pre-school, I went to get a drink in our crowded Cafeteria. I guess when you're in pre-school 50 people can look like 200, but at least 50 students and teachers were mealing about eating drinking and being merry during our lunch break. I went up to the water fountain to get a refreshing drink; I remember waiting in line for a drink, a long line, and while waiting, I realized I had to go to pee. So, like any good natured and well adjusted preschooler, I started doing the Pee-Pee dance in line. Finally I got my turn to drink, but by this time the urge to pee was just too terrible to withstand!
Then I realized something... This water fountain looks remarkably like a smaller version of the urinals that I pee pee into, doesn't it... So, I take a drink then I whip it out and start to pee pee into the water fountain. The funny thing is that none of the student behind me seemed grossed out, they didn't immediately start to run from the line or make oohs or ahhhs (because let's face it, it had to be pretty impressive). They just stood there, maybe, kind of confused (I really didn't get a chance to look at there faces; I was busy). But the teachers freaked! Damn... no sooner did my stream start to hit the cool, shiny metal of the water fountain did a strong arm from one of them wrapped around my chest & pull my britches up (still peeing mind you), and ran me toward the bathroom! Piss was everywhere, on me and her (she deserved it... never disturb a man while he's pissin'). I received a stern lecture from her in the bathroom, and my parents were called in, and it was a big hub bub.
I've never pissed in a water fountain again...
Now, when I was... say 13, I was learning, quite rapidly and thoroughly (should be no surprise) how to lust after women... My favorite thing to do, of course, was to picture girls that I found attractive to be naked. It's amazing how every woman looks fantastic naked in my imagination. My Sunday school teacher told me that it was wrong to picture girls that I see naked. Now it doesn't seem like such a dramatic experience as the peeing incident where I learned "right" from "wrong" on this occasion, but I would say that 2 things made this experience quite a bit more potent. #1: I had heard this implied before, and I heard the actual words, as well as implications toward it afterwards, over and over again.. till this day. #2: My Sunday school teacher was my mom, and therefore, it carried a lot of weight and was kind of fucked up to hear your mom talk about naked women at all.
Despite the resonance that this experience carried with me, I still -- to this day -- picture beautiful women that I see naked, sometimes even not so beautiful women (it weirds me out every time)... So, my question is this?
Why did I stop peeing in water fountains, and not stop picturing women naked?
If we boil it down to "Drives," my sex drive can't be as strong as my drive to relieve myself... One thing I have to do to live the other, I just enjoy doing while I live... I don't need sex though... my body won't explode or become unhealthy without it. So, why do I do one and not the other?
I think it might be that one is actually wrong, and the other is only socially unacceptable. Let me rephrase that for you... one is wrong, and one is oh-so right.
Let's take our millions of years of existence into account, because I know everyone loves to do so. We learned very early on, we had to or we wouldn't be here now, that you do not lay waste where you consume. In other words, you don't go #1 or #2 in the river or lake you drink from. It could have, and has had, terrible ramifications (the bubonic plague). So, that knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation. When I was reprimanded after trying it, the scolding I got, and the punishment I received, and the logic that backed them up made sense to me logically & biologically. So, I responded with a positive behavior... I no longer did it.
Now, when I was told not to picture women naked... it apparently did not make sense to me logically or biologically... so my reaction was to continue the oh-so sweet behavior. Is this a positive or negative reaction? The only way to figure this out is to go to the streets... I'm too lazy to conduct a poll, but If I were to do so, I would assume that the results would be somewhere around 100% of men picture women, that they consider attractive, naked -- including Priests & Preachers, regular joe's like me, Serial Killers, and even gay dudes. (I've had a conversation similar to this from at least 1 of every sampling, except serial killers -- I'm not crazy.) So, my only conclusion is that this behavior is a positive one. It is present in all males, (and probably a majority of females), so why is it socially unacceptable?
Why was I told no?
When I was in Pre-school, I went to get a drink in our crowded Cafeteria. I guess when you're in pre-school 50 people can look like 200, but at least 50 students and teachers were mealing about eating drinking and being merry during our lunch break. I went up to the water fountain to get a refreshing drink; I remember waiting in line for a drink, a long line, and while waiting, I realized I had to go to pee. So, like any good natured and well adjusted preschooler, I started doing the Pee-Pee dance in line. Finally I got my turn to drink, but by this time the urge to pee was just too terrible to withstand!
Then I realized something... This water fountain looks remarkably like a smaller version of the urinals that I pee pee into, doesn't it... So, I take a drink then I whip it out and start to pee pee into the water fountain. The funny thing is that none of the student behind me seemed grossed out, they didn't immediately start to run from the line or make oohs or ahhhs (because let's face it, it had to be pretty impressive). They just stood there, maybe, kind of confused (I really didn't get a chance to look at there faces; I was busy). But the teachers freaked! Damn... no sooner did my stream start to hit the cool, shiny metal of the water fountain did a strong arm from one of them wrapped around my chest & pull my britches up (still peeing mind you), and ran me toward the bathroom! Piss was everywhere, on me and her (she deserved it... never disturb a man while he's pissin'). I received a stern lecture from her in the bathroom, and my parents were called in, and it was a big hub bub.
I've never pissed in a water fountain again...
Now, when I was... say 13, I was learning, quite rapidly and thoroughly (should be no surprise) how to lust after women... My favorite thing to do, of course, was to picture girls that I found attractive to be naked. It's amazing how every woman looks fantastic naked in my imagination. My Sunday school teacher told me that it was wrong to picture girls that I see naked. Now it doesn't seem like such a dramatic experience as the peeing incident where I learned "right" from "wrong" on this occasion, but I would say that 2 things made this experience quite a bit more potent. #1: I had heard this implied before, and I heard the actual words, as well as implications toward it afterwards, over and over again.. till this day. #2: My Sunday school teacher was my mom, and therefore, it carried a lot of weight and was kind of fucked up to hear your mom talk about naked women at all.
Despite the resonance that this experience carried with me, I still -- to this day -- picture beautiful women that I see naked, sometimes even not so beautiful women (it weirds me out every time)... So, my question is this?
Why did I stop peeing in water fountains, and not stop picturing women naked?
If we boil it down to "Drives," my sex drive can't be as strong as my drive to relieve myself... One thing I have to do to live the other, I just enjoy doing while I live... I don't need sex though... my body won't explode or become unhealthy without it. So, why do I do one and not the other?
I think it might be that one is actually wrong, and the other is only socially unacceptable. Let me rephrase that for you... one is wrong, and one is oh-so right.
Let's take our millions of years of existence into account, because I know everyone loves to do so. We learned very early on, we had to or we wouldn't be here now, that you do not lay waste where you consume. In other words, you don't go #1 or #2 in the river or lake you drink from. It could have, and has had, terrible ramifications (the bubonic plague). So, that knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation. When I was reprimanded after trying it, the scolding I got, and the punishment I received, and the logic that backed them up made sense to me logically & biologically. So, I responded with a positive behavior... I no longer did it.
Now, when I was told not to picture women naked... it apparently did not make sense to me logically or biologically... so my reaction was to continue the oh-so sweet behavior. Is this a positive or negative reaction? The only way to figure this out is to go to the streets... I'm too lazy to conduct a poll, but If I were to do so, I would assume that the results would be somewhere around 100% of men picture women, that they consider attractive, naked -- including Priests & Preachers, regular joe's like me, Serial Killers, and even gay dudes. (I've had a conversation similar to this from at least 1 of every sampling, except serial killers -- I'm not crazy.) So, my only conclusion is that this behavior is a positive one. It is present in all males, (and probably a majority of females), so why is it socially unacceptable?
Why was I told no?
Helping or Hindering Evolution...
I have been reading so much theory lately of why what we do works. From Mystery's Venusian Arts to Magic Bullets to the Game to Deangelo's DYD, the one common thread is that women are attracted to and consequently mate with the Alpha Male. So, we are to mimic the alpha male and his traits.
So, what are we doing? Are we hindering the human race or are we helping it? Is the alpha male genetic in nature or is it a product of environment? I know that Savoy says that the 2 are so similar at this point that we shouldn't even draw that line (I don't want to speak for Savoy here, this topic may not apply to his statement delivered in the first chapter of Magic Bullets... I will let you be the judge). To clarify what I mean here... The alpha male being a genetic figure simply means that his traits, which attract females, are within his genetic code; he simply has his those attractors with in him, which will be surface in his behavior in the ways that attract females (all those ways we are learning to mimic, i.e. his unapologetic nature, unwillingness to bicker, strong sexual frame, strong sex drive, strong general frame, etc.) If the alpha male is genetic, and we are, in a sense, fooling women into believing that we are that alpha male, won't we be putting more betas into society and therefore screwing with natural selection. I define natural selection as you probably do... survival of the fittest. The strongest genes get passed on to add to the pool of genes, which will consequently become stronger with each generation. Should it be that our previous nature as a beta male should remain that way, and because of that, our genes should not be passed on in the same quantity as the "true alpha male?"
[Side note: even if the above is true, I don't give a shit. I'm not going to go on being a beta and not ever getting laid when I have seen the other side. Future generations be damned... I'm getting mine! So Fuck off Great, Great, Great Grandkids! You live in the time of a weaker human race; at least you were born b/c your GGGgrandpa learned how to talk your GGGgrandma into fucking his brains out! Ungrateful little rug rats!]
Or, is it that the Alpha Male is a learned response? If so, then we would be hella-helping the evolution of the human race. This Community is essentially a factory churning out Alpha males by the Boot Camp load, and thereby insuring that each generation will be populated with a higher density of Alphas. These alphas will be more willing to lead and succeed, and the female population will have a greater pool of Alphas to pick from, which can only help or race succeed.
Truthfully, I have no idea which is the answer... but I hope it's the latter. I imagine it's a mixture of both though, b/c I don't think that we could be lucky enough to get off scott-free learning other people's observances and value perceptions and passing them off as our own.
So, what are we doing? Are we hindering the human race or are we helping it? Is the alpha male genetic in nature or is it a product of environment? I know that Savoy says that the 2 are so similar at this point that we shouldn't even draw that line (I don't want to speak for Savoy here, this topic may not apply to his statement delivered in the first chapter of Magic Bullets... I will let you be the judge). To clarify what I mean here... The alpha male being a genetic figure simply means that his traits, which attract females, are within his genetic code; he simply has his those attractors with in him, which will be surface in his behavior in the ways that attract females (all those ways we are learning to mimic, i.e. his unapologetic nature, unwillingness to bicker, strong sexual frame, strong sex drive, strong general frame, etc.) If the alpha male is genetic, and we are, in a sense, fooling women into believing that we are that alpha male, won't we be putting more betas into society and therefore screwing with natural selection. I define natural selection as you probably do... survival of the fittest. The strongest genes get passed on to add to the pool of genes, which will consequently become stronger with each generation. Should it be that our previous nature as a beta male should remain that way, and because of that, our genes should not be passed on in the same quantity as the "true alpha male?"
[Side note: even if the above is true, I don't give a shit. I'm not going to go on being a beta and not ever getting laid when I have seen the other side. Future generations be damned... I'm getting mine! So Fuck off Great, Great, Great Grandkids! You live in the time of a weaker human race; at least you were born b/c your GGGgrandpa learned how to talk your GGGgrandma into fucking his brains out! Ungrateful little rug rats!]
Or, is it that the Alpha Male is a learned response? If so, then we would be hella-helping the evolution of the human race. This Community is essentially a factory churning out Alpha males by the Boot Camp load, and thereby insuring that each generation will be populated with a higher density of Alphas. These alphas will be more willing to lead and succeed, and the female population will have a greater pool of Alphas to pick from, which can only help or race succeed.
Truthfully, I have no idea which is the answer... but I hope it's the latter. I imagine it's a mixture of both though, b/c I don't think that we could be lucky enough to get off scott-free learning other people's observances and value perceptions and passing them off as our own.
The Machine's Balls of Steel Challenge
Tonight Foreplay and I both succeeded in his 30 successfully opened sets in 30 days from our boot camp (not counting our BC opens either). Good Job us. Chatterbox and Soumani still have around 10 a piece to go and I don't know how many D needs, but I don't think that he's concerned with the challenge
When I first read ole Foreplay's challenge to us, I was a little hesitant to take it seriously; but I'm truly glad that he came up with it and took it seriously himself, namely, because I'm so competitive it's ridiculous. So, where my approach anxiety starts to cripple me, competition bridges the gap and actually makes me drag my ass over to another set and open. Actually, just that happened on my last set of the night. Soumani and Foreplay were arguing on who was going to open the seated set (a cute little blonde and her chubby, but cute friend), neither wanted to open, so I just got tired of listening to the back and forth and went over with a very unenergetic open. I used the Email Breakup open (credit CaptainJack) and it worked like a charm like it always does. They opened right up and it was my second longest set of the night.
I had really been having a problem even getting motivated the last couple of weeks. Then we would go out and I would just basically be biding my time until we went home, opening as few sets as possible and standing around talking to the guys like a true AFC. Then came this weekend... I have been doing a lot of lounge and AF research on online game. I was really getting excited about it. I tried a few of the techniques I found and they worked moderately. I actually was thinking to myself, "Self, this is the answer... I will do online game and supplement it with going out." I continually read just the opposite on every post on the forums, and luckily, actually it was a God send that I had a fun night on Thursday, or I might have been sticking to online game.
Thursday night... A good night; I'm still at my sticking point, which is not following any semblance of my routine, but at least I got back up to my sticking point. Because, the previous 2 weeks were filled with me not even approaching. And if I approached at all, I would get blown out so quickly because they could just see my lack of confidence. Regardless, I talked to a few really cute girls that were very receptive. If I would have actually had a point to what I was saying i.e. a routine then I think I could have gotten somewhere, but I took it as a good sign.
Tonight was the same story. Ritual was dead, but I opened 6 sets. 4 of which were solid 20-40 minute sets with a couple of blowouts. My first set was actually the longest set I had, and I did pretty well with push pull, but I waived off Foreplay as a wing and had to entertain 2 girls. After about 40 minutes. I realized that I was going nowhere and had no idea how to isolate since I had been essentially gaming both girls, so I ejected.
The rest were nothing spectacular, but fairly solid. Then the last set started off pretty well... Foreplay came in after about 5 minutes and winged. We kind of started gaming over each other by no fault of our own. He did everything right. I stated my target, but what I didn't realize at the time was that the target's chubby friend was more into me, and possibly thru chick language she had already claimed me, so she would continue to drift from Foreplay's convo back into mine, and on occasion my target would interrupt Foreplay's convo. I still have very mixed feelings on whether a wing helps or hinders in most cases. Most of the time when a wing enters my set, its such an interruption and i haven't hooked quite yet that it blows me out. But, then again we just started this whole thing, so I can't be a good judge yet.
So we got our 30 opens in 30 days, and those opens run the gambit of success to blowout. I still have only number closed, but I open and transition with ease. If I could just execute my fucking routine, I think I would be okay.
When I first read ole Foreplay's challenge to us, I was a little hesitant to take it seriously; but I'm truly glad that he came up with it and took it seriously himself, namely, because I'm so competitive it's ridiculous. So, where my approach anxiety starts to cripple me, competition bridges the gap and actually makes me drag my ass over to another set and open. Actually, just that happened on my last set of the night. Soumani and Foreplay were arguing on who was going to open the seated set (a cute little blonde and her chubby, but cute friend), neither wanted to open, so I just got tired of listening to the back and forth and went over with a very unenergetic open. I used the Email Breakup open (credit CaptainJack) and it worked like a charm like it always does. They opened right up and it was my second longest set of the night.
I had really been having a problem even getting motivated the last couple of weeks. Then we would go out and I would just basically be biding my time until we went home, opening as few sets as possible and standing around talking to the guys like a true AFC. Then came this weekend... I have been doing a lot of lounge and AF research on online game. I was really getting excited about it. I tried a few of the techniques I found and they worked moderately. I actually was thinking to myself, "Self, this is the answer... I will do online game and supplement it with going out." I continually read just the opposite on every post on the forums, and luckily, actually it was a God send that I had a fun night on Thursday, or I might have been sticking to online game.
Thursday night... A good night; I'm still at my sticking point, which is not following any semblance of my routine, but at least I got back up to my sticking point. Because, the previous 2 weeks were filled with me not even approaching. And if I approached at all, I would get blown out so quickly because they could just see my lack of confidence. Regardless, I talked to a few really cute girls that were very receptive. If I would have actually had a point to what I was saying i.e. a routine then I think I could have gotten somewhere, but I took it as a good sign.
Tonight was the same story. Ritual was dead, but I opened 6 sets. 4 of which were solid 20-40 minute sets with a couple of blowouts. My first set was actually the longest set I had, and I did pretty well with push pull, but I waived off Foreplay as a wing and had to entertain 2 girls. After about 40 minutes. I realized that I was going nowhere and had no idea how to isolate since I had been essentially gaming both girls, so I ejected.
The rest were nothing spectacular, but fairly solid. Then the last set started off pretty well... Foreplay came in after about 5 minutes and winged. We kind of started gaming over each other by no fault of our own. He did everything right. I stated my target, but what I didn't realize at the time was that the target's chubby friend was more into me, and possibly thru chick language she had already claimed me, so she would continue to drift from Foreplay's convo back into mine, and on occasion my target would interrupt Foreplay's convo. I still have very mixed feelings on whether a wing helps or hinders in most cases. Most of the time when a wing enters my set, its such an interruption and i haven't hooked quite yet that it blows me out. But, then again we just started this whole thing, so I can't be a good judge yet.
So we got our 30 opens in 30 days, and those opens run the gambit of success to blowout. I still have only number closed, but I open and transition with ease. If I could just execute my fucking routine, I think I would be okay.
My Virgin Post
It's 1:11am and I just got back from seeing Mr. Woodcock... sadly I can't shake being a Billy Bob fan. Although I think he's out of his mind in so many ways, that bastard is fun to watch. Example you might ask -- well I will answer with 2 examples, bitches. 1) Slingblade - Best rendition of a sweet-hearted murdering tard I've ever seen, and since I've interviewed Dwight Yoakum, and I wanted so badly for him to be cool, but he was a dick... I've gotta give props for splitting that Jackass's Skull with a lawn mower blade. 2) Red Carpet interview in 2001... he was asked how things were going with Angelina, who had her tongue so far down his ear at the time he was losing his balance, (b/c the inner ear controls your balance, you should have paid attention in Jr. High Science Class, bitch) and he said out of the blue... "Do you want to know the truth; We just f*#&!d in the limo on the way here." Angelina smiled, and that leather-clad pimp just walked away. That's right. the expletive is disguised b/c it was bleeped by E!, so I can't be sure that he actually said "fucked," but I'm pretty certain he did. He might have said "boned," but I don't think they would bleep that.
Now for what this means to me according to Pick Up:
Pick Up, according to Woodcock:
Keep in mind, I'm very much a newbie to this world of Pick Up that I stumble upon less than 2 months ago. But since I've known of and began my pursuit of learning this skill, I've seen elements of it everywhere I look.
I will assume, foolishly, that you have seen the Trailers for "Mr. Woodcock." Woodcock is a colossal prick P.E. Teacher who tormented the sensitive self-help author, Farley, as a child. (Can you tell that I used to write movie reviews?) Throughout the film Farley is the lovable nice guy who, at one point, gets the number of his high school crush b/c she recognizes him as a successful author. He stammers to ask for the date, which I'm sure gets an "aww" from every girl when separated by the silver screen, but when she's in front of you, stammering would evoke a much more cold-hearted reaction. He then proceeds to nice guy his way right out of her pants when he can't seem to effectively beat Woodcock. His Crush mentions to Farley that Woodcock is kind of sexy.
Woodcock... Woodcock, where for art thou Woodcock? From his name to his unwillingness to apologize for any action; Woodcock is an extreme hollywood version of the Alpha Male, and Farley is the submissive through and through. Woodcock woos Farley's Mother and his high school crush, and all this while wearing a Maroon leisure suit. As much as they paint Woodcock in negative colors, he attracts everyone to him, mostly women. The only characters in the film to dislike Woodcock are the submissive males in direct competition with him for women. They act impulsively and recklessly while Woodcock remains non-reactive, saying only what needs to be said, and staying a steady congruent course. Is Woodcock a Master PUA or an emotional cripple (as labeled by the film)? I'm in no way experienced enough to make that call, but I know one thing, every woman in this world wants, nay, needs a bit of Woodcock in'em.
Number of times I wrote the word Woodcock: I count 18.
Now for what this means to me according to Pick Up:
Pick Up, according to Woodcock:
Keep in mind, I'm very much a newbie to this world of Pick Up that I stumble upon less than 2 months ago. But since I've known of and began my pursuit of learning this skill, I've seen elements of it everywhere I look.
I will assume, foolishly, that you have seen the Trailers for "Mr. Woodcock." Woodcock is a colossal prick P.E. Teacher who tormented the sensitive self-help author, Farley, as a child. (Can you tell that I used to write movie reviews?) Throughout the film Farley is the lovable nice guy who, at one point, gets the number of his high school crush b/c she recognizes him as a successful author. He stammers to ask for the date, which I'm sure gets an "aww" from every girl when separated by the silver screen, but when she's in front of you, stammering would evoke a much more cold-hearted reaction. He then proceeds to nice guy his way right out of her pants when he can't seem to effectively beat Woodcock. His Crush mentions to Farley that Woodcock is kind of sexy.
Woodcock... Woodcock, where for art thou Woodcock? From his name to his unwillingness to apologize for any action; Woodcock is an extreme hollywood version of the Alpha Male, and Farley is the submissive through and through. Woodcock woos Farley's Mother and his high school crush, and all this while wearing a Maroon leisure suit. As much as they paint Woodcock in negative colors, he attracts everyone to him, mostly women. The only characters in the film to dislike Woodcock are the submissive males in direct competition with him for women. They act impulsively and recklessly while Woodcock remains non-reactive, saying only what needs to be said, and staying a steady congruent course. Is Woodcock a Master PUA or an emotional cripple (as labeled by the film)? I'm in no way experienced enough to make that call, but I know one thing, every woman in this world wants, nay, needs a bit of Woodcock in'em.
Number of times I wrote the word Woodcock: I count 18.
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